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Blog / My thoughts

Effects of heat and exercise on dogs

Is it too hot to walk my dog? How exercising in the heat affects dogs.

02 Jan, 2018

Over the Christmas holidays, life slows down a little for many of us. We like to sleep a little later and enjoy the quiet of the morning with a relaxing cup of tea or coffee. But by the time we start the day it is already warming up, so when is it too hot to walk the dog and what effect……

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Effects of desexing on dog's long term health

How does desexing affect a dog? Impacts of desexing on mobility.

29 Nov, 2017

Surgical sterilisation including ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy, castration – referred to as spaying, neutering or desexing is a common approach to preventing overpopulation of unwanted dogs.

However, surgical sterilisation has been linked to an increased incidence of health conditions that affect a dog’s musculoskeletal system and their ability to…..

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